Monday, August 4, 2008

Homemade instant cure for pimples and acne india and over the counter acne medicines

The most important thing to do to cure acne is to find a good dermatologist that can help you determine which of the above treatments will work best for you. Treatment is by no means instant. Allow at least six to eight weeks for treatment of acne to produce results, and even after this point, it is important to continue using the treatment to prevent acne from returning.
Development of acne vulgaris in later years is uncommon, although this is the age group for Rosacea which may have similar appearances. True acne vulgaris in adults may be a feature of an underlying condition such as pregnancy and disorders such as polycystic ovary syndrome or the rare Cushing's syndrome. Menopause-associated acne occurs as production of the natural anti-acne ovarian hormone estradiol fails at menopause. The lack of estradiol also causes thinning hair, hot flashes, thin skin, wrinkles, vaginal dryness, and predisposes to osteopenia and osteoporosis as well as triggering acne (known as acne climacterica in this situation).
For the treatment of acne one teaspoon of coriander juice, mixed with a pinch of turmeric powder, is another effective home remedy, used for a long time. The mixture should be applied to the face or other acne areas after thoroughly washing, every night before retiring. Mint juice can also be used in a similar manner for treating pimples or blackheads. Mint herb may be grinned to form a mask which is than applied for twenty minutes.
tags: acne and pimples remedy, best fast acting acne medication, quick ways to get rid of cystic acne

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