Monday, August 4, 2008

Acne scar removal treatment cost outline and diet for cystic acne

Before we go into more specific strategies and face cleaning products that you can use, let's go into a bit of history about acne facial treatment. Did you know that bath soap, of all things, was the predominant, perhaps even the only, form of acne treatment as recently as half a century or so a ago? Since this time there has obviously been a wide market for skin care and acne treatment products, hence why the industry has reached the level it's at today.
Nobody knows for sure the prime cause of acne. Scientists say that acne appears when the hair follicles in the skin get blocked. The reason for this blockage can be growing of the sebaceous glands that are the producers of sebum in human body (sebum is an oily substance made of fat). But nobody knows the reason why the sebaceous glands start secreting excessive amounts of sebum after puberty and in some people they never stop doing so, and why even the members of the same family may be subjected to the acne problem to a very different extent.
Benzoyl peroxide is the main ingredient for most acne treating products on the market. The reason for that is because it is highly effective on any kinds of acne, including whiteheads and blackheads. It effectively kills the bacterias deep under you skin, which are also the one of the main contributing factors to acne. Benzoyl peroxide is also cheap and there is no reason for you to not afford to have it at your finger tips when you want to remove those blackheads. Benzoyl peroxide can be irritating so you might want to take note not to overuse it. Any application more than twice a day is considered harmful to your skin.
tags: stories of people that fast and have acne, acne vs pimples, can progestin only birth control pills cause cystic acne

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