Saturday, September 27, 2008

Top 10 rated acne medications by dermatologists

« ...Do not wait for your teen's acne problem to get worse before you go and see a dermatologist. The earlier the better, this may be cliche but very true for this matter and you could realize the truth behind this. You need to find the dermatologist who deserves your trust. Be with your teen as you have visits to the dermatologist. Also, help your teen follow the reminders and instructions of the dermatologist....
...So what causes acne? Why do you have it? You see acne might be a reason of natural body causes such as hormonal changes and so on but often acne is a result of our lousy habits. We don't even realize what harm we are doing to our bodies till the time we actually see it on our face in the form of acne or pimples. Read on to discover some of the most deadliest reasons why we have acne......»
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«...Certain treatments will work very well for some people, while totally ineffective for others. In fact, a person can try out many different types of treatment before he or she finds a treatment that is effective. ...»
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tags: at home treatment and acne bumps, adult acne remedy, birth control pills help acne

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