Saturday, September 27, 2008

Clean and clear continuous control acne wash

« ...Never use coarse pads or scrubbing brushes - they damage your skin. I see many people who think "I'll just scrape it all off" I understand your frustration but use creams and take the softly softly approach!...
...How does the Marvel Mini Blue work? Bacteria that cause acne, specifically the Propionobacterium Acnes, or P. Acnes bacteria are sensitive to certain wavelengths of light. It turns out that light in the 400 to 430 nm range (blue light) can kill these bacteria without causing skin dryness or skin damage. The skin is not affected because the Marvel Mini Blue emits blue light in a narrow band and does not emit UV light which is responsible for skin dryness and damage....»
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«...Dermatologists recommend any product should have low concentrations of the active ingredient benzoyl peroxide (no more than 5.5 parts per hundred) if there is an adverse reaction; if a reaction occurs, a cleaner or cream containing alpha hydroxy acid should be safe. It is not always possible to find an acne skin care product that works first time; if nothing you use is effective then speak to your dermatologist for advice. There are benefits of seeing your doctor or dermatologist, they can prescribe you with a prescription for treatments not available over the counter, for example a course of antibiotics....»
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tags: best acne treatment review, meaning dreaming about someone's having acne, acne acid salicylic chioce

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