Saturday, September 27, 2008

More and more acne is appearing on my butt

« ...Acne can be treated with many ways. The most common method that people use to treat acne is by using some topical cream and lotion for acne. This can be a quite affordable way to treat acne, but when the big companies use heavy and aggressive advertising to promote their products, people with acne might think the only way to treat acne is by using those products that cost them a bunch of money. But did you know that some of the best methods that I have used can be found in your home? This article aims to tell you which household remedies you can use to treat acne....
...Acne is a very common problem so many people all over the world. It does not matter what age or gender you are. Acne can indeed be a problem for just about anyone. What's worse about acne is that the condition comes and goes, especially if it is not properly treated the first time around. Thus, it is very important to find a very effective way to thoroughly deal with acne right away. There are many medications and creams that you can use when dealing with acne. However, the natural method is much safer to use for this condition. Here are some top acne treatment tips on how to clear up acne the natural way....»
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«...Acne is caused when the pores which contain the hair follicles in our skin get clogged. No one yet understands why exactly these blockages occur, why they are more common in some people, or why they appear in varying degrees of severity. It is also not entirely understood why acne usually occurs during puberty, though during this time hormones are out of control and the sebaceous glands grow rapidly, both of which are probably the primary contributors to acne. When the hair follicles are clogged sebum, a naturally occurring skin oil, gets trapped in the pores. Normally, sebum is beneficial to the skin, helping prevent it from drying and fighting off skin rashes and infections. However, when sebum cannot drain because the pores are clogged, it wells up and become a Petri dish for growing bacteria....»
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tags: home made remedy for acne, tea tree oil to control acne, acne whitening pills

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