Saturday, September 27, 2008

Drink gallons of water to get rid of acne

« ...A natural treatment to acne cysts commonly used is tea tree oil. This should be applied only to the affected area. Remember to apply the oil using a cotton applicator instead of your fingers. Also be careful not to touch your eyes with it. Tea tree oil is known for its anti bacterial properties and has been used by many to treat acne....
...The laser offers yet another tool for health professionals who hope to offer a form of scar removal. Microdermabrasion, which relies on special abrasive minerals, can also be used to rid the skin of unsightly scars....»
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«...If you are choosing products that is to be used on the face, it is best to look for the label, "non comedogenic", which means they will not result in blackheads or whiteheads. Another label to look out for is "non acnegenic". Although it may be more costly, they are definitely worth the price, since it will help to minimize break outs. ...»
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tags: how to remove acne scars, allergy to food with acne on face, acne scar removal product reviews

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